"Popular Mechanics" by Raymond Carver.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Question: Essay discussing the role played by the setting in "Popular Mechanics." Analyze the central characters relationship to their surroundings. Does the setting limit the characters options or influence the development of the plot? Does the setting play any significant role in enhancing the theme of the story? (873 Words) "Popular Mechanics" was written in order to make the audience imagine their own details. The descriptions in this story are very basic and plain, the man …

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…given almost no detail, only stereotypical behavior. The reader is required to imagine their own timeline, faces, and many other details, but the setting is told to show the overall mood the writer wanted the reader to see. This proves that the setting is a very powerful element to show that the relationship between the man and the woman and everything that surrounds them is going from good to bad and eventually, everything is broken.