Ponce De Leon

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Essay Database > History
Ponce de Leon was a sailor and explorer for Spain. He had been given governorship of Hispaniola where he soon discovered that on Puerto Rico gold was found. He soon conquered the island and was given governorship of it. From the gold he became very wealthy. He soon learned of an Indian tale of an island called Bimini. On the Island There were supposedly lots if gold and pearls and a mystical fountain that could …

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…hundred colonist and all kinds of domestic animals. They landed on the west coast of Florida near Charlotte Harbor, where the Calusa had driven them off before. Before they could erect buildings, they were attacked, and Ponce de Leon wounded with a poison arrow. The colonists got into their ships and left- one ship was blown to the coast of Mexico; the other, with Ponce de Leon, reached Cuba where he died of his wound.