Polygraph. Voice Analyzers and Forensic Testing

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The use of polygraphs, voice stress analyzers, and forensic testing in sensitive areas, such as the questioning of suspects in criminal cases, recruitment processes (e.g. by the FBI), investigation of insurance fraud and interrogation of current or potential employees raises certain ethical issues. In particular, the appropriateness of compelling, or coercing people to undertake such testing needs to be examined. The use of polygraphs also raises the broader question of whether we want to …

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…the validity and accuracy of polygraph, voice stress analyzer, and forensic tests in the questioning of crime suspects and others and indeed about the validity of the techniques as a whole. In particular, the appropriateness of compelling or coercing people to undertake such testing needs to be examined. The uses of these devices also raise the broader question of whether people want to live in a society that is dominated by these types of testing.