Polonius, his family and Hamlets Indecision

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Polonius, His Family and Hamlet's Indecision. Introduction Although much of the literary focus on the tragedy in Shakespeare's Hamlet focuses on the main characters of the Danish Court, namely the king and Queen and of course Hamlet himself, the real tragedy of the play lies elsewhere. Through the actions, right or wrong, of the royal family an entire family is destroyed because of their association. They are mainly the most blameless characters of the play, …

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…Author. Hamlet - The 'Real' Tragedy. www.hamletonline.com Bernice W. Kilman. Three Notes on Polonius: Position, Residence and Name. www.shakespearebulletin.com Joel Sommer Littauer. The Cracked Mirror: The Minor Characters. Www.bbc.co.uk/literature. The reason there are no direct references in the script is that I had no direct quotations from anybody in the essay. However, I did take many of the themes from these articles I found on the web.