Pollution in Europe

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Pages: 8
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Water Pollution in Europe Table of Contents Pages 1 Introduction Pros/Cons 2 European/Citizens Europe's Proposal For Good waters by 2010 3. Europe's Surface Water Europe's Ground Water 4. The Water Frame Work Directive Penalties Waste Advice 5. Solutions to save Europe Waterways Conclusion 6. Bibliography Introduction Water pollution is a problem that effects all living things. Every living organism on earth requires water to survive. When the water is polluted, it not only effects the plants, insects, and animals, it …

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…Protection Agency. "The Quality of Our Nation's Water." 1992. U.S. EPA. World Wide Web. Available at: http//www.epa.gov/305b/sum1.html#SEC8. Ocean Institute of Canada. "Oceans Day." 1995. Nova Scotia, Canada. World Wide Web. Available at: http://www.conveyor.com/oceansday.html. Smithsonian's Ocean Planet. "Oceans in Peril." 1995. World Wide Web. Available at: http://seawifs.nasa.gov:80/OCEAN_PLANET/HTML. Water Pollution.1995. Available at: http://riceinfo.rice.edu/projects/TELRC/vns/Wpage_10.html