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Pages: 12
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Pollution Pollution comes in many forms. I have three categories in which there are subcategories. The first one is air pollution (covers acid rain, global warming and Ozone break down), the second one is water pollution (waste dumping, eutrophication and over fishing), and the last is land pollution (deforestation (loss of habitat) and pesticides).
1. Air Pollution Acid rain Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas all come from plants and they contain sulphur
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Encarsia Formosa. The wasp lays its eggs into the body of the lava of the whitefly. It hatches and feeds off it until it dies. This is good because it is specific and does not harm other insects, only the greenhouse whitefly. The only problem is that it has to be controlled because the predator can become a pest itself, by spreading and eating lots of other organisms than the ones it was meant to.
Encarsia Formosa. The wasp lays its eggs into the body of the lava of the whitefly. It hatches and feeds off it until it dies. This is good because it is specific and does not harm other insects, only the greenhouse whitefly. The only problem is that it has to be controlled because the predator can become a pest itself, by spreading and eating lots of other organisms than the ones it was meant to.