Politics in the Gilded Age

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The politics of the Gilded Age failed to deal with the critical social and economical issues of the times. It was the era filled with forgotten presidents and politicians who ignored the problems erupting in the cites. Monopolies ruled over all the aspects of life, and the greedy men who ruled these monopolies caused poverty throughout the nation. The ideas of limited government caused the political parties to not take a stand on important issues. …

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…Depression of 1893. The politics of the Gilded Age failed to deal with the critical social and economical issues of the times. Monopolies ruled over all the aspects of life, and the greedy men who ruled these monopolies caused poverty throughout the nation. The government officials did nothing to aid the problems of the society and economy, but watched the nation suffer as they enjoyed the benefits of being an officeholder in the United States government.