Politics and the Family.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Politics and the Family Hope, dreams and aspirations are constructs that drive individuals and communities to be successful. Yet, the opposite of these, lack of hope, dreams and aspirations can drive an individual and community into a destruction of itself. A good example of this is in the book "Amazing Grace" by Jonathan Kozol. Furthermore, this discussion will also evolve around the ideas of Edward Banfield on "class distinction." The idea of the family has …

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…neighborhood it is not. It is a community problem not just an individual problem. Just as it is a state problem not just a city problem. Society needs to examine its value system and contribute as whole to alleviate these social problems that many so blindly ignore. Family is the issue, and community is the problem. There is no such justification for the any allowing for people to live like this. Change must take place