Politics Of Honk Kong and Relations with China.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
"Hong Kong's relations with China" During the Imperial Era Britain had expanded its empire by setting up trading colonies around the globe. It had still yet to tap in too the rich markets of China. The British exported great amounts of Opium and traded it to Chinese colonists. Many Chinese became addicted to the drug. The Chinese government facing a crisis decided to band the substance. This in short caused the Opium War lasting form 1839…

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…of no change as agreed upon by the Jurisdictional (Harris, 155). Honk Kong citizens still enjoy all the freedoms they had under the British rule tied in with their historical culture and people. The political problems in Honk Kong today are concerns of the Basic Law or Beijing oppression but a lack of confidence in the HKSAR administration. Honk Kong has benefited from the one country two systems policy and is returned to its original culture.