Politically incorrect

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Report: Politically correct is such an innocent term. How can anyone be against something so friendly, something that is supposed to encourage harmony and peace between all people? My answer is Ha! Although I do agree that kindness, respect, and courtesy in our everyday life are to be promoted, it seems to me that they lose much of their meaning if they are oppressively forced upon us by political correctness. That is why there are …

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…with race, such as the hypersensitivity of groups, the playing games with inventing new uses of words and hassling those who won't submit to using the new vocabulary, of boosting togetherness inside "oppressed" groups, is so unfriendly, and unconstructive, and so it is directly opposite to the goal of getting along, treating each other as individuals and eventually forgetting about race. The majority isn't the problem. Minorities aren't the problem. Political correctness is the problem.