Political parties IN THE UNITED STATES

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Pages: 7
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
1. Historical background of the two major parties There was no provision for political in the American Constitution. President Washington was opposed to the factionalism that parties represented. Political parties, however, are a key element in the American political system. They began to foremen before Washington left office. The Federalists won the first contested election (1796). They were soon defeated by the Democratic-Republicans, the forerunner of the Democratic Party--the oldest political party in the world. The initial …

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…dynamic equilibrium. Dynamic equilibrium may be described in this sense as keeping government in pace with new conditions by bringing about rational adjustment or change in its policies and activities on purposes and shared programs in the public interest. The American political parties help link our governments with each other and with the people in a constantly interactive system of democratic-republican parties constitutionalism that preserves our basic freedoms and promotes our moral and material progress.