Political culture.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Political culture is that set of ideas which Americans share widely about who should govern, for what ends, and by what means. Values are shared ideas about what is good. Beliefs are shared ideas about what is true. Beliefs often provide a foundation for values. For instance, the belief that God endowed humankind with rights to life, liberty, and property is a foundation for giving these concepts the status of values in our political culture. …

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…especially from Mexico and Latin America (not restricted by the 1921 act). It did this by establishing fines for employers of illegal immigrants. Partly because it allowed employers to accept easily-forged documents as evidence of residency, the 1986 act did not reduce illegal immigration. Today about 1 million legal immigrants arrive each year, to which must be added illegal immigration, estimates of which range from 400,000 to 3 million. As a result, immigration raises complex economic, social, and political issues.