Political Parties

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Essay Database > Law & Government
1. Republicans support legal Immigration, reforming the immigration system to ensure that it is legal, safe, orderly and humane. It also supports measures to ensure that the immigration system is structured to address the needs of national security. America is a stronger and better nation because of the hard work and entrepreneurial spirit of immigrants. A growing economy requires a growing number of workers, and President Bush has proposed a new temporary worker program that applies …

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…English, American history, government, American tradition and values. (7) A Constitutional Amendment that will not give automatic citizenship to children born on US soil to parents OTHER THAN legal citizens of the US. (8) No national, state or local government assistance of any kind for education, Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid shall be provided for anyone that is not a legal alien or US citizen. (9) The United States Government automatically expel any immigrant found to be illegal.