Political Participation

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Political participation has many different forms. The different forms are placed into two categories, conventional participation and unconventional participation. Some examples of conventional participation are writing letters, attending meetings, working in campaigns, contributing money, contacting officials, and voting. Demonstrations and boycotts are examples of unconventional participation. The most pure and most effective form of political participation is naturally, voting. Despite the fact that voting is our primary way to exercise our freedom, less than half …

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…whom to vote for? The second issue is party alignment. One of the major obstacles that Dole had to face was partisanship. Republicans had moved so far to the right that they had become out of touch with the American public. At least the Republicans knew where they were though. The Democratic Party had an out of date platform and tried to associate itself with the middle class at every possible opportunity. Together, they accomplished