Political Institutions and their Effect on Economic Policy

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ESSAY: Political Institutions and their Effect on Economic Policy Laura Lynn Wantz Political Science 182 Section #28 November 30, 2000 Imagine, if you will, a country with no political institutions. A country ruled by anarchy. What kind of economic policy would this country have or would it have one at all? Now imagine a country with highly powerful and regimented political institutions. What kind of economic policy would this country have? The two fictitious countries mentioned above would certainly …

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…Working Group on the WTO/MAI. (ISBN: 1-58231-000-9) Strange, Susan. 1997. "The Erosion of the State." Current History, November: 365-69. Bibliography Works Cited Olson, Mancur. 1993. "Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development." American Political Science Review, 87(3): 567-75. Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch (www.tradewatch.org). 1999. A Citizen's Guide to the World Trade Organization. Washington D.C.: Working Group on the WTO/MAI. (ISBN: 1-58231-000-9) Strange, Susan. 1997. "The Erosion of the State." Current History, November: 365-69.