Political Correctness: A controversial piece about how political correctness is dominating the public school system.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
As many of you know, I am the public school battleline correspondent. I hold this title because my job is to manifest one of the main goals of this site--to expose the liberal indoctrination in public schools. I scoured the internet looking for David Horowitz-- America's most outspoken academic freedom crusader. To my dismay, his only focus is on colleges. Even then, he was still of help, as reading his site reminded me to finish …

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…to Nazism at our school, and anybody who discredits that theory is a victim of "corporate media." Get the facts: the real victims in this society are the public school students. From the start, they were taught to never question the teacher. Thus, their self-confidence and critical thinking skills are sharply curbed. If we as conservatives and academic freedom advocates allow this to continue, America will be one step closer to becoming a totalitarian state.