Policy Monitoring Report in Australia

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Essay Database > Literature > English
While the word 'crisis' brings to mind events like September 11 or the Anthrax issue, 'crisis' could simply be a label attached to "a particular set of social circumstances, trying to draw attention to the fact that something out of the ordinary is happening, taking us away from a desirable state of affairs" (McConnell, 2003: 393). Domestic violence against women can be thought of such an issue that does indeed take us away from desirable state of affairs. …

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…much of the issue has currently been 'solved'. Irrespective of financial dependence on transfers, the contribution of states to policy formulation and administration must not be forgotten and its action as positive externality on the national program should be acknowledged (Sharman, Moon, 2003: 4 - 5; NSW Strategy to Reduce Violence Against Women, 2002). The future challenges to the government are the ability to prove that the campaign has actually impacted societal beliefs and affected indigenous and immigrant women.