Policing the World in One Day

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Of all countries in the world, Canada has the most of it. It is spread across Canada but seems to centre itself in major metropolitan areas. It helps make each of us, in our own way, different, but at the same time, at home. It is cultural diversity. Canada is considered to be the most diverse country in the world. Here we do not discriminate against colour, race, language, religion, culture, nationality, ethnicity, class, occupation …

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…I had the opportunity to step down if I believed my life would be in great danger, but as a police officer, you must protect the innocent at all costs, and risking your life is often not a choice, its your job. Cultural Diversity is something that is slowly, but surely dominating Canada, and once we become police officers, it will be an issue in which, some of us, more than others will deal with.