Policies of Deterrence and the Mental Health of Asylum Seekers

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Policies of Deterrence and the Mental Health of Asylum Seekers Derrick Silove, MD, FRANZCP; Zachary Steel, MPsychol; Charles Watters, PhD In the past, most refugees who permanently resettled in the traditional recipient countries of North America, Europe, and Australasia were screened prior to arrival in a host country. In the last decade, increasing numbers of unauthorized refugees or asylum seekers, those who formally lodge application for refugee status in the country in which they are …

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…fundamental failure to recognize that many asylum seekers who enter without documents are legitimate refugees. Throughout history, many persecuted individuals have had to rely on irregular documents and methods of escape in order to seek refuge in other countries. Australia has a long and proud tradition to providing protection to those fleeing persecution. We urge you to maintain this tradition and honor both the letter and the spirit of the UN Refugee Convention. Policy Analyst