Police Misconduct. Is about the debate rather police abuse their power or not.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Ever wonder if police officers know what its like to be a citizen under jurisdiction, with the same sense of distrust and sense of unfaithfulness in the individuals who are supposed to protect? People must also realize that citizens will never know what it is like to be police officers. They take too much crap from people who don't appreciate their services. Police officers also have their personal lives to worry about. That is stress …

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…like many of its neighboring countries. It is illegal for police misconduct. Many other countries turn their heads at the site of misconduct of these officers. Again, does this justify what is going on in the system? Not in any way. However, until someone makes a plan for a better system, it is not going to change. Hate them or not police are designed to keep order, protect and serve. But just not serving themselves.