Police Brutality misc3

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Racism and police brutality goes hand in hand, and causes a major concern in today's society, in the United States. On March 3, 1991 in California, Rodney King an African American, was pulled over after a high-speed chase, and after stopping was beaten by four white police officers (Worsnop 635). Tracy Brock also an African American was arrested in Manhattan in November of 1986. An officer smashed his head through a plate glass window, when Brock refused to go …

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…players that are mentioned here are all against police brutality. It was pretty difficult to find players that thought brutality was not important and was not an issue. The prince analysis done on this issue shows an eighty three percent chance of being implemented. This is a highly likely rate of implementation. Police Brutality in the United States and around the world needs to be totally abolished to protect the citizens, and the police officers.