Police Brutality misc2

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Pages: 9
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Description: It was April 29, 1992 and it was my twelve birthday. My mom gave me a little chocolate cake with a plastic surfer riding a wave on top of it. We were watching television while I was getting ready to blow out my candles. There was a disturbance in South Central Los Angeles that the news helicopters were covering on every channel. There were crowds of people flooding the intersection of Florence and Normandy acting rowdy …

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…of the officers and in turn require higher education. If individuals are motivated enough to help society, by becoming officers and in turn risking their lives to do so, then they deserve to be compensated equally. If the departments start hiring more quality personnel, then they should have less suits filed against them. The money they save by eliminating lawsuits can could be substantial to the amount they would need to increase the officers salaries.