Police Brutality in the United States

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Police Brutality in the United States Police brutality is a fact of American life. In most major cities across the country, officers abuse their authority in the most flagrant ways. New York City and Los Angeles are the most notorious for police brutality cases. In New York, when mayor Rudolph Giuliani took office in 1994, he instituted a "zero tolerance" policy, the theory that allowing small crimes to pass unpunished will encourage disrespect for the law …

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…like the one that ended the life of Amadou Diallo and others will be repeated, and relationships between police and many communities will deteriorate (Mfume). Works Cited "The Dark Side of Zero Tolerance." The Economist April 3, 1999: p13 "Videotaped Beating of Teen In Inglewood, CA, Sparks Lawsuit, Federal Probe And Nationwide Outrage." Jet Magazine July 29, 2002: p12 Mfume, Kweisi. "A Message From the President" Crisis (The New) May/June 1999: p43 "Police Brutality Must End." Progressive April 2000: p8