Police Brutality in NYC

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Police Brutality Incidents in NYPD New York state law and police department policy provide that officers may use only the minimum amount of force which is necessary to achieve a legitimate purpose (e.g. effect an arrest or prevent the commission of an offence) when other options are not available or have been exhausted. New York City Police Department guidelines set out the following five stages through which force can progress: (1) verbal persuasion; (2) unarmed physical …

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…Rudolph Giuliani wants to give his police even deadlier bullets. He wants police officers to now carry hollow point bullets, even deadlier than the bullets that the NYPD uses now. So with all the pressure the NYPD has been under with race relations and lack of Hispanic and African-American officers, they have begun to heavily recruit these kinds of officers and hope that that will end or reduce the use of excessive and deadly force.