Police Brutality and its Effects on Society

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Police Brutality and its Effect on Society Police brutality is a complex phenomenon, which has widespread effects on today's society. In recent years, the police have come under serious scrutiny for police brutality, and this has been underscored by the presence of video camcorders. Accompanying this issue, I will provide several examples and recent cases, as well as the related decision making process. Similar emphasis shall be placed upon the understanding, role, and participation of …

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…e., the federal government, as well as the election of the President of the United States, to those policies which are carried out within respective states' local communities. Works Cited Baskin, Joseph (ed.) "Urban Racial Violence In the 20th Century," 1969, pub. Bureau Development Inc., Parsippany, NJ Minority Report, "People Declare War On Police Brutality," New Pittsburgh Courier, 18 June, 1997 Shepard, Scott of the Washington Bure au, "Conference to Target Hate Crimes," The Atlanta Journal & Constitution, 9 November