Police Brutality

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
This is report about Police Brutality - Police Brutality Work Cited Brancato, Gilda and Elliot E. Polebaum The Rights Of Police Officers New york, A.C.L.U. 1981 Streisand, Betsy " L.A. Chooses Sides : Cops vs. Aliens " U.S. News and World Report Aprill 1996 10 Bruning, Fred " Rogue Cops and Civillan Beatings" Newsday April, 1996 : 15. Daher, Kate "Justice For Jonny" {htpp://www.cs.cmu.edu/~pshell/gammage/flyer.htlm October 1995. Winters, Paul A. Policing The Police Greenville: …

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