Poles and Italians in Detroit

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Poles and Italians in Detroit In the late 17th century and early 18th century Detroit was a hotbed for foreign immigration. The booming automobile industry and resulting growth of the city ensured that many jobs were available for those able to take them. Among these immigrants were distinct groups originating from many different countries. Two of these groups were the Poles and the Italians, who arrive to Detroit looking for a new beginning. Although many …

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…Detroit/Poles/Neighborhood/In Streets/ Detroit Polish Settlements. American Identity Explorer. Immigration & Migration. Lansing: McGraw-Hill. 1999 American Cities/Detroit/Poles/Neighborhood/In Streets/Location of Polish Colonies. American Identity Explorer. Immigration & Migration. Lansing: McGraw-Hill. 1999 American Cities/Detroit/Poles/Neighborhood/At Home/Thrift and Home Ownership. American Identity Explorer. Immigration & Migration. Lansing: McGraw-Hill. 1999 Global View/Origins/Europe/Italy. American Identity Explorer. Immigration & Migration. Lansing: McGraw-Hill. 1999 Global View/Origins/Europe/Poland. American Identity Explorer. Immigration & Migration. Lansing: McGraw-Hill. 1999