Poisonous snakes

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lists snake poison rate none Poisonous Snakes Coral snake - 2 to 5 ft. long, in Americas south of Canada; bite may be painless; slow onset of paralysis, impaired breathing; mortalities rare, but high without antivenom and mechanical respiration. Rattlesnake - 2 to 6 ft. long, throughout W. Hemisphere. Rapid onset of severe pain, swelling; mortality low, but amputation of affected digits is sometimes necessary; antivenom. Mojave rattler may produce temporary paralysis. Cottonmouth water moccasin - up to 5 ft. …

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…muscle pain, paralysis; mortality rate low, many bites are not envenomed; some antivenoms. Notes: Not all bites by venomous snakes are actually envenomed. Any animal bite, however, carries the danger of tetanus, and anyone suffering a venomous snake bite should seek medical attention. Antivenoms do not cure; they are only an aid in the treatment of bites. Mortality rates above are for envenomed bites; low mortality, up to 2% result in death; moderate, 2-5%; high, 5-15%.