Poetry analysis: "America" by Tony Hoagland.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Throughout life human beings usually find messages underneath the surface, which cannot be seen by the naked eye. In literature this is sometimes done through the use of metaphors by using specific words when relating two inanimate objects. A writer might use metaphors in order to hide these messages and not be completely obvious. In the poem "America", by Tony Hoagland, specific diction is used in metaphors in order to expose corruption in American society. …

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…The writer Tony Hoagland uses specific diction in his metaphors in the poem "America" to imply that there is corruption in American society. The opinion expresse ue to these metaphors is that there is a lot of corruption in the united states, so much that sometimes that one corrupt action contradicts another. This has possibly been caused by America itself growing up to fast and being influence by too many; as well as its people.