Poetry Sylvia Plaths 'daddy'

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In this poem, Plath is describing the relationship between her and her father. We can see her relationship was not an easy one by her use of the simile "I have lived like a foot for thirty years poor and white, barely able to breath or Achoo." In describing herself as "poor and white", she gives the contrast between white and her and her fathers "black shoe". It suggests that he was strict and she …

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…Daddy, daddy, you bastard". She went on to marry but chose a man who is just like her father; 'I made a model of you' The poem ends with threat of another suicide attempt. She cuts herself off so she can be left alone to die; 'The black telephone is off at the root'. The last line of the poem, 'Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I'm through', is almost the end of a turbulent love affair.