Poetry Analysis: "Design" by Robert Frost

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
English 102: Introduction to Literature (University of Maine at Augusta, USA) Instructions from professor: Write an essay (at least 3 pages) - Analyze one stanza of the poem, focusing on its meaning and on the way the details of the stanza contribute to its meaning. Discuss what this stanza contributes to the poem as a whole. ==========Body of essay========= Robert Frost's poem, "Design," is about the hardships of everyday life and the fact that God or some …

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…End of essay========= Professor's comments: Paragraph 3 - "You drew significant inferences from the emblem of the spider with the moth." Paragraph 5 - The professor questioned my use of the word "random" in describing the rhyme scheme of the second stanza. Paragraph 6 - "Sensitive assessment of the sound strategies." Overall paper - "A focused, astute analysis of the meaning of the poem, its significant poetic strategies, and its broad implications." Letter grade on this paper: "A"