Poetic in both its language and its pacing.

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
"Poetic in both its language and its pacing." "How do you make one of the toughest decisions in life when you're as lonely as a distant planet? Callisto May knows a lot about planets. She could name all the moons of Jupiter, or tell you the dimensions of the Great Red Spot, but she doesn't know much about love. She's so used to pleasing other people that she has lost track of how to be …

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…live with herself. It's a good book but it's for older people to read, 15+ I think? I had to read some parts over because I didn't quite understand some things I found this book to be very intriguing about issues that teenage girls are facing today. I cried in some parts to, it was pretty sad I'd hate to feel the way she did. I couldn't put this book down J I read it twice.