Pledge in Schools

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Pledge in schools Reciting the pledge at school is something that many people have grown up with. It has been part of the daily routine at many schools for years. While the majority of students proudly stood with his or her right hand over his or her heart and recited the pledge, there was occasionally one or two that sat or stood quietly during the process. But that was ok; nobody really thought much of …

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…Allegiance in schools" Seattle Post 27 June 2002. 31 October 2003. "Lawmakers blast Pledge ruling" CNN.Com 27 June 2002. 31 October 2003. Nieves, Evelyn. "Judges Ban Pledge Of Allegiance From Schools." John Mark Ministries. 27 June 2002. 31 October 2003 "Pledge of Allegiance: Judges Ban Pledge of Allegiance From Schools, Citing 'Under God.'" June 2002. 31 October 2003