"Pleasantville" by Gary Ross

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Pleasantville "Until now everything around here has been, well, pleasant... except when it is unpleasant, it is very unpleasant indeed. And slowly the colours seep through." Linda Lin "Pleasantville" (124 min) Directed by Gary Ross; starring Reese Witherspoon, Tobey Maguire, Joan Allen, Jeff Daniels, Paul Walker IF there were any doubts that the febrile satire of the 1950s American social culture would be diluted when brought to the screen, let them be dispelled now. Enter the …

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…his comfort zone whilst the mother is expressive in her long suppressed passions as she tries new experiences and changes to colour. While "Pleasantville" had little subtlety in its allegory, it was a good fish-out-of-water fluffball comedy, beautiful in its simplicity. This film combines the traditional craft of composing masterpieces with a compelling and significant story. It is well-composed, masterly directed and triumphant in its implication - nothing is as simple as black and white.