Pleasantville and American Acceptance What does the changing in Pleasantville represent in American society? Why are people reluctant to accept change?

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What do people think of when they hear the name "America?" Do they picture a happily diverse nation where everyone wants a flawless body, an affectionate family, and endless amounts of money? Or do they appreciate America's long, rich history of war after war, struggle after struggle and see that this nation continues in this pattern to present day? Maybe people see it as a country where the freedom of expression really holds true. To …

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…blacks as part of mainstream American culture. America is a dynamic environment, so not only is change perpetually occurring, so is acceptance, little by little. People will initially resist change to an ideal living environment, but change is ultimately embraced because it adds color to an otherwise black and white life. Work Cited Pleasantville. Dir. Gary Ross. Perf. William Macy, Joan Allen, Tobey Maguire, Reese Witherspoon, J.T. Walsh, and Jeff Daniels. New Line Cinema,1998.