Plato's Allegory of the Cave

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Reflections on Plato's Allegory of the Cave The great philosopher, Plato, back in the days of the ancient Greek civilization, concluded that man as a species can only draw from what his senses take about his surroundings. This includes his social relationships, eating habits, spiritual beliefs, and the many other attributes that make a person who they are. This theory/observation is very accurate about man back then and is also seen in everyday life …

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…the tunnel. If there were any way possible that I could aid them in seeing the light, I would devote my life to it. As I age, I see life more and more as a beautiful gift. It is a gift that will be with me forever, but one that I could throw away at anytime. Life must be cherished and perceived from all possible standpoints for one to consider themselves wise and knowledgeable people.