Platoon, film review

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
The Vietnam War was on everyone's mind in 1960s and 1970s in our country. It was the center of much of America's troubles during this time, but only the soldier's who fought in that war knew the true madness that was Vietnam. Oliver Stone began writing Platoon because the Vietnam War was "a pocket of our history nobody understands." (Schuer t24) Platoon is a movie which should be viewed by everyone, not only for its …

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…document written in blood that after almost 20 years refuses to dry." Yet behind all of the prestige and awards it was given, Platoon holds an underlining message. "Charlie Sheen is America in its innocence, and the jungle is the dark, confused mystery that the war remains for us twenty years later" (Evans 78). Platoon is more than just a gory war movie; it is a realistic look at world that we would never want to experience.