Plate Tectonics: History

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The most carefully researched topic is the history of the plate tectonic revolution throughout the centuries. Plate tectonic theories have been researched since 1920 by Alfred Wegener. Alfred Wegener let out the details of how today's continents were once one large landmass that slowly drifted to today's world. Studies show that through the years, the sides of the plates are either being created or destroyed in its size and shapes. At the at hand time, the …

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…change and the protection of a steady state. Crustal plates are continuously being created at mid-ocean ridges and destroyed in subduction zones. The pattern of crustal blocks is known to change with time, but the remaining result of plate creation and plate destruction is a slowly changing pattern of oceanic and continental crust, oceans, continents, mountains, and plains. Therefore, geological history is in the end, time bound, and forced to new states by worldly change.