Plate Tectonics: It contains a general description, such as the origination of the theory, an explanation of the theory, and how it was proved.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
A meteorologist named Alfred Wegener had a theory about how the continents got where they are today. He thought that they had started as one supercontinent named Pangaea, and then drifted to their current position. His theory wasn't believed during his time because he had no way to prove it. There were some things that back his theory up like the same fossils being found on different continents with different climates and the way the …

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…seafloor spreading. Another type of boundary is a strike slip, or transform boundary. At these, two plates slide horizontally past each other, then they slip, and cause earthquakes. An example of a strike-slip boundary is the San Andreas Fault that goes through San Francisco. Because of it, San Francisco has many earthquakes. Tectonic plates move from about 1-12 centimeters a year. We know this because of special lasers on satellites that measure the plates' movement.