Plant Growth Hormone Lab Report.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Environment
Introduction: Plant hormones and growth regulators are chemicals that affect flowering, aging, root growth, killing of leaves, promotion of stem elongation, color enhancement of fruit, prevention of leafing, and many other conditions. Very small concentrations of these substances produce major growth changes. All plants produce hormones naturally, and growth regulators can be applied by people to are applied to plants by people. Plant growth regulators may be synthetic compounds that mimic naturally occurring plant hormones, …

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…peas that received IAA were less than that of the control. One error that may have occurred could have been the amount of water each plant received. Some plants may have been over watered, or not watered enough. This could have possibly affected the growths of each. Another factor may have been the light each plant was exposed to. I conclude that errors in the experiment may have affected the desired outcome of each plant.