Planation and colonies or early america.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Shannon Brossoit 1. The development of plantations in the American colonies took awhile. When the "pilgrims" arrived and other immigrants arrived as indentured servants plantations were just small farm or farm of pretty good size. As the years went by and the profit and demand for crops such as tobacco grew larger so did the farms. For your farm or land to become a plantation you must accumulate much land, larger plantation could have over 200 acres …

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…Indians in the beginning and the crop status of each were their major differences in my eyes. One could rely on crops as their main and almost sole income as the other depended on trades in fur and beaver tail. One lived peacefully at first with the Indians were the other wanted to figure out how to take control of the Indians as the Spanish and French did more north of them in today's Canada.