"Plainsong" by Haruf compared to "In Country" by Bobbie Ann Mason

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Most people have experienced some type of caring, whether it be from family, friends, or even random acts of kindness from strangers. Caring was a universal theme found throughout In Country, by Bobbie Ann Mason, and also Plainsong, by Kent Haruf. Sam Hughes is the main character in In Country, and was the most caring person in the novel. In Plainsong, the McPheron brothers were the biggest models for caring in the novel. This theme …

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…that Emmett was finally able to love again. Until Victoria came along, the McPheron brothers had no one in their lives except for each other. Without them, Victoria's life would have been completely different, and probably completely tragic. Both authors are making a strong point about caring. Being compassionate is not something that requires a lot from a person, but it is something that can make a very big difference in the shaping of lives.