"Pigs in Heaven" by Barbara Kingsolver.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Pigs in Heaven "It has to do with our mythology in his country ... that if you are smart enough and work hard enough, you will make it. It allows us to perpetuate this huge gulf between the well off and the desperately poor. If you fall through the cracks you must be stupid or lazy or both. It's a trap because poverty is viewed as shameful. In this culture, it's more honorable to steal then …

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…Koenig offers a negative assessment of Pigs in Heaven, faulting the novel's political implications and reliance on tidy resolutions. Karen Karbo praises Kingsolver's blending of political commentary and emotional insight in her review. In addition to Laura Shapiro provides a thematic analysis of Pigs in Heaven. Even though this isn't my favorite story, the plot is appealing and the characters are interesting. This book receives three stars because this novel has fascinating characters and plot.