Pierre Elliot Trudeau: Great Canadian Prime Minister?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
A great Canadian is one who takes pride in our nation, and represents the individuals of our society. Our government is made up of many political leaders, and great Canadian role models. A prime minister is one who fights for the people in society, and takes action to make a greater civilization. One of the greatest Canadian prime ministers ever elected was none other than Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. With his clever ideas and …

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…our country died on September twenty-eighth, 2000, suffering from Parkinson's disease and prostate cancer. This great Canadian gave all he could for the well being of our nation. His love, hard work, consideration, and vision will always remain a part of us, and our everlasting country of Canada. "Pierre Trudeau, the embodiment of the dream of a just society, has left us... He is gone, but his unfinished work remains - our country, Canada." (Jean Chretien)