"Piano and Drums" by Gabriel Okara.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Among many contemporary poets, Gabriel Okara makes his stand as one of the most influential Nigerian lyricists. Okara speaks of the same impressions of the controversial novelist Chinua Achebe. In the poem "Piano and Drums," Gabriel Okara shows the contrasts between the past life and the modern world. Some aspects in his poem date back before the beginning of civilization. In this essay I will reflect on Okara's concepts and visions. The poem is effectively …

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…factors. Thus the speaker creates an aspect of unknown elements and thoughts which have not been fulfilled. To conclude, the poem "Piano and Drums" by Gabriel Okara, reflects on proportions explored by Chinua Achebe. Okara expresses his judgments on the greater picture which is European imperialism. He also articulates on the sense of loss from there indigenous ethics to modern customs irrelative to the black society. It is a poem reflecting on change and loss.