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Essay Database > Literature > English
To Whom it May Concern Candidate's Name: Trey Fetterhoff Date: May 24, 2000 I am the father of the above candidate and will try to give you the profile that you request. Trey has lived with me for the past four years and has grown to be a very mature individual. At the end of next month he will be 19 years old. He is very personable and many adults who have met him have remarked to his …

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…to go to a private school for one year prior to college is to help discipline himself as well as improve his college-of-choice opportunities. In my opinion, I feel he realizes that he has been living in a social swirl -- telephone calls, cellphones and beepers. I think he sees that going to private school will provide the disciplined atmosphere that is lacking in today's high schools and homes. Yours truly, Ken Fetterhoff ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**