Physical Child Abuse; references, what it is, signs, effects, solutions,

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PHYSICAL CHILD ABUSE The issue of child abuse is widespread and affects the individual, the family, and society as a whole. When a child has any signs of violence displayed or placed upon them by someone older they have experienced child abuse. The issue is that people do not recognize the physical abuse as soon as it is occurring, resulting in prolonged problems. Many cases of child abuse remain unknown for various reasons such as …

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…the awareness of child abuse. People can recover from childhood abuse, and many people are working to prevent abuse. Child abuse is greatly under reported and underestimated. Accurate statistics are impossible to gather. The problems are under-recognition, under reporting, and a lack of one definition of what the reality of abuse really is. The new implemented laws regarding child abuse need to be further analyzed and more finely tuned in regards to sentencing and investigations.