Philosophy Overview

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ESSAY DETAILS Words: 11271
Pages: 41
(approximately 235 words/page)

Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
1. Mythology and philosophy: the rational and the irrational. Criteria of rational knowledge Mythology - is the way of explaining and ordering what is explained and interpreted. This is a mixture of both reason and unreason, of reason and passions. Is about non-rational or irrational aspects of human mentality. It is the way of thinking what we found around ourselves. Mythology is the way of thinking what we found around ourselves. Philosophy - tries to separate …

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…gt;> <Tab/>Human autonomy and dignity are intrinsic values. Another version of categorical imperative defines it quite clearly: "So act as to treat humanity, whether in thine own person or in that of any other, in every case as an end withal, never as means only." In other words the fundamental principle of Kant's deontological ethics defines moral duty as recognition of human autonomy as an end in itself.