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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The videos trace the development of the United States' colonial policy in the Philippines. It all started with helping a disaster-stricken young republic in creating a democratic society. In order to do that, the Philippines welcomed U.S. intervention. The U.S. was their hope to be freed from the Japanese and to rid their label of being the "sick man of Asia". Of course, U.S. aid came with extensive stipulations requiring amendment of …

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…to restore democracy. The Philippines has often been compared to a volcano; always rumbling and sometimes erupting. There have been many eruptions in the 20th Century. With three-fourths of the population under the poverty level, social injustice is inevitable. The Philippines has a history of power hungry politicians with scandal after scandal. It seems that the adage "money is power" is true to word in Filipino politics. And yet, the foundation for Democracy carries on.