Philip II of Macedon - historical debates concerning the life of KingPhilip of Macedon

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Born in 382 BC, Philip II was one of the most significant figures in Macedonian history. While he is most commonly recognized as the father of the renowned Alexander the Great, Philip also deserves recognition as the man responsible for the unification of a divided Macedon and creator of the most innovative and effective military structure the ancient world had ever seen. The son of Amyntas III, Philip was taken hostage in Thebes at the age …

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…he was scrambling to his feet, Perdiccas and the rest came up with him and killed him with their javelins.' This account seems more likely as not only was it written at a closer date to when the events described actually occurred, but it's also based on the works of Theopompus of Chios, a contemporary of Philip whose work has been lost and only survives through the accounts of later historians such as Diodorus.